Discover 7 Simple Strategies to Drastically Cut Your Moving Costs

Discover 7 Simple Strategies to Drastically Cut Your Moving Costs

Discover 7 Simple Strategies to Drastically Cut Your Moving Costs

## How to Save Money When You Move: 7 Handy Tips

With the pandemic sparking a wave of movement, everyone seems to be on the go. People are going back to their hometowns, exploring new cities, or striking out on their own after a job loss. Not to mention those trying out the digital nomad lifestyle now that they can work from anywhere.

For instance, states like Florida and Texas, which don’t charge a state income tax, have become really popular. And let’s not overlook the appeal of places with a lower cost of living like Idaho and the Carolinas.

But let’s be honest – moving can get pricey real quick, whether you’re buying a home, moving in with relatives, or renting a new place. The initial costs of things like application fees, deposits, and last month’s rent can all add up. And if you don’t plan ahead, your budget could quickly take a hit.

But don’t worry – here are some fun and easy ways to keep those moving costs in check.

1. **Scout for Free Boxes at Local Stores**
Large retailers tend to have a lot of clean, sturdy boxes that they just toss out. So why not ask them if you can have some? This can easily save you $100 or more.

2. **DIY Your Move**
Yes, you could pay movers, but it’s much cheaper to do the work yourself if you can. Rope in your family members, make it a bonding experience. Just remember to thank them with a meal after!

3. **Coordinate Your Moving Dates**
Don’t pay for two places at once if you can avoid it. Keep your start and end dates in line to save money. And don’t forget to tell your service providers about the move so you aren’t charged for services you aren’t using.

4. **Reuse Packing Materials**
You can save money and the environment by using your own clothes, towels, or linens to wrap fragile items. It’s a triple-win: you save money, space, and it’s eco-friendly!

5. **Downsize Before the Move**
Having fewer things can really cut down on your moving costs. Less to pack, less to load, and less time for movers on the clock. It’s the perfect opportunity to declutter and start fresh.

6. **Find a Bargain in Your New City**
Sometimes it’s more trouble than it’s worth to move certain things. Instead, consider selling large items and finding replacements when you get to your new place. You might even find free stuff in great condition on Craigslist or in the disposal areas of apartment buildings and condos.

7. **Hunt Down Deals in Your New City**
Get creative in your new city and find deals on furniture or household items. You can check Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, or even check out furniture liquidators and hotels that are renovating. You’d be amazed at what you can get for free or at a low cost.

The key is to plan ahead as much as possible and allow for plan changes. Moving is either stressful or an adventure. It’s all in how you handle it.

**Investment Platforms**

Looking to make smart moves with your money after your move? Here are some investment platforms that offer commission-free trades, user-friendly interfaces, high-yield accounts and more:

– Public
– Moomoo
– Webull

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