Discover 21 Invigorating Activities to Spruce Up Your Leisure Hours

Discover 21 Invigorating Activities to Spruce Up Your Leisure Hours

Discover 21 Invigorating Activities to Spruce Up Your Leisure Hours

How to Spend Your Spare Time
By Hal Kitzmiller
Updated November 6, 2023
Everyone loves a bit of extra leisure time to chill and recharge. But when spare moments seem endless and you’re unsure what to do, check out these 21 entertaining and productive ideas. From self-entertainment to boosting your skills or even earning some extra cash, we’ve got a tip for everyone. So, dive in, boredom is not invited!

Here are some cool things to do when you’re free:
1. Get Moving: Exercise might sound a bit dull but there are many fun ways to make it interesting. Be it jogging in a park, joining a new workout class with a friend or following YouTube exercise videos. If you have fun while doing it, chances are you’ll stick with it.

2. Catch up on Reading: Enjoy a good read, explore the latest popular books or delve into timeless classics. Reading can be a super chill way to learn something new.

3. Do Surveys for Money: Some companies will pay you for your opinion! Websites like Swagbucks and InboxDollars offer paid online surveys which are not just a good source of spare cash but can also be quite fun.

4. Try Investing: Spare time could be used to grow some money too. Popular apps like or Webull have made trading of stocks and cryptocurrency quite accessible, making investing a viable option for your leisure time.

5. Learn about Finance: Spending time understanding personal finance and investment can assist you in making better financial decisions.

6. Play Games: Board games, card games or video games; it not only relaxes you but also gives your brain a workout. Plus, some games can even help you make money.

7. Pray or Meditate: Spending some peaceful time through prayer or meditation can help you find your center, even if it is for just a few minutes a day.

8. Journal Writing: Keeping a journal is a great way to voice your thoughts, which often helps to process emotions and can act as therapy in difficult times.

9. Hangout with Loved Ones: In the hustle of our busy lives, spending some quality time with friends and family often gets disregarded. So go for a quick coffee date or schedule a video call; it will make everyone happier.

10. Pursue a Hobby: Painting, photography, cooking, gardening. Pick any hobby that interests you and gives you joy.

11. Volunteer: Using your free time to give back to your community can bring tons of satisfaction and even help you make some new friends.

12. Learn a New Skill: Taking up new classes or learning new skills can do wonders for your self-confidence and might even unveil some hidden talents.

13. Deliver for DoorDash: DoorDash offers a flexible money-making opportunity where you can use your spare time to deliver food in your area.

14. Increase Your Contact Base: Attend industry events, connect with professionals online, or simply get to know people better.

15. Explore Nature: Whether it’s hiking in a national park or simply walking in your neighborhood, exploring nature is a free and amazing way to spend your spare time.

16. Travel: Although it can be expensive, traveling allows you to experience new cultures and beautiful vistas. Look out for deals and find ways to travel on a budget.

17. Get Organized: Organizing your home might not sound super fascinating, but de-cluttering can make you feel incredibly satisfied and give you more space to enjoy.

18. Cook or Bake: If you enjoy cooking, use your spare time to whip a new recipe up. Not only will you have a tasty meal, but you’ll also learn new skills.

19. Learn a New Language: This could be super challenging but very rewarding too. Try out resources like Duolingo for a fun language learning experience.

20. Take it Easy: Read a book, take a nap or watch a feel-good movie. Remember to relax and recharge.

21. Start a Blog: Blogging can be an interesting way to share ideas and connect with others. Who knows? It might turn into a successful online business!

No matter how you spend your free time, remember to balance work and play. Self-care and rest are as important as productivity. So go ahead, explore these ideas, and make the most of your free time!

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