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Let’s Talk Finances: Top Blogs to Help You Retire Early
Looking for advice on how to retire early? You’re in luck! There are countless blogs and articles online dedicated to helping you achieve financial independence and retire early (often referred to as the FIRE movement). I’ve scoured the internet and gathered the top blogs that can help you on your journey.
1. Mr. Money Mustache – A blog started by a couple who retired in their 30s. It’s packed with money management tips and advice.
2. Retire By 40 By Joe Udo is a blog about creating passive income through investing and effective money management.
3. ChooseFI – This site is known for its financial independence podcast and blog, covering everything from frugal living to side hustles and investing.
4. Millennial Money – Explore advice about saving and making more money. It’s all about helping you reach early retirement.
5. Rich and Regular – A very successful blog filled with audio content, articles, and videos on personal finance and early retirement.
6. Mad Fientist – A highly resourceful blog with cutting-edge financial independence strategies and tools.
7. Early Retirement Extreme – One of the oldest blogs about achieving financial independence, filled with priceless wisdom.
8. Afford Anything – Learn from Paula Pant about financial independence, investing and passive income.
9. Physician on FIRE – A blog by a doctor who reached financial independence at 39 and retired four years later.
10. Our Rich Journey – Follow along with Amon and Christina Browning, who retired early and now live in Portugal.
And this list is just the tip of the iceberg! There are plenty more blogs to discover, like The Fioneers, 1500 Days to Freedom, Frugalwoods, and Go Curry Cracker.
Don’t forget to look at financial blogs by Steve Adcock on Think Save Retire, Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung on Millennial Revolution, Can I Retire Yet by Darrow Kirkpatrick, Reach Financial Independence by Pauline Paquin, and Mr. Free at 33 by Jason Fieber.
Wrap up
If you’re eager to retire early and live life on your terms, these blogs are an excellent place to start. These financial independence bloggers have dedicated their online space to guide individuals like you towards their retirement goals. Want more inspiration? Check out 50+ Financial Freedom Quotes to Motify and Inspire! Happy reading!
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