Escaping Poverty: Don’t Let Your Birth Define Your Epitaph
Title: Turning Financial Tides: A Story of Overcoming Poverty
I grew up knowing the harsh realities of poverty. My parents, Vietnamese immigrants, moved to Canada in search of a better life. They started life anew, with my mom supporting our family by working for minimum wage at a factory, while my father kept house and took care of me.
My dad, despite not knowing English initially, grabbed opportunities to learn and even managed to complete high school and earn a college diploma as an adult. All this while doing small jobs over the weekend. He hoped his education might help him land a higher-paying job.
However, years of job searching yielded no fruit. Whether it was starting a business with his friends or seeking employment, things didn’t pan out too well. Eventually, he found himself stuck with a minimum wage job, just like my mom. Frustration led him towards bitterness and defeat. He would rant about our being poor, voices laced with disappointment and an odd resignation to our state of poverty.
Growing up amidst such negativity impacted my confidence. I was convinced, much like my parents, that we were destined to a lifetime of poverty; that money and financial success were chimera only the privileged would grasp.
But a spark kindled within me when I graduated from university. I realized I didn’t want to live a life dominated by money woes. And thus began my journey of self-education about financial planning.
Though no expert, I’ve found some ways that I believe can help anyone in their path to financial stability:
1. **Adopting a Positive Mindset**: Perhaps the toughest step, but crucial. I chose not to mirror my parents’ negativity about wealth.
2. **Budgeting**: I started by understanding my spending habits, prioritizing needs and wants, and making realistic plans.
3. **Learning about Finance and Investing**: The idea of investing fascinated me. I engaged in learning about compound interest and the potential of investing even small amounts.
4. **Increasing Earnings**: I looked for ways to increase my earnings – through promotions, overtime work, or bonuses.
5. **Side Hustles**: This was fun. From online surveys to selling crafts, I’ve tried various methods to supplement my full-time job.
6. **Staying Positive and Open-minded**: It’s challenging, but essential. Having a positive mindset and keeping an open mind marked my financial journey.
It was my effort to end the cycle of poverty, rejecting the belief this would be a part of my life forever. True, it requires learning, strategic planning, determination, and positive reinforcement. But remember, there are resources available, and there’s no harm in starting slow.
Finally, remember Bill Gates’ quote: “If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s your mistake.” We have the power to rewrite our financial stories. Why not start today?